Hello dear crocheters, look at this mosaic stitch blanket made with crochet, isn’t it beautiful? When I saw this piece I immediately fell in love, because I realized that it could be used a lot here at home, both in decoration and in everyday life as a garment.
You could use different colors in the making. Some warmer colors, maybe those cooler colors. All of them would go perfectly with this mosaic stitch and I’m sure you would be happy to have such a beautiful piece.
Here I seek to present a little of what I have been doing and has conquered me daily. Crochet is something refreshing that cheers us up, brings us joy, makes our day more fabulous. Surely all those who are interested in this wonderful work of art will feel attracted in a special way and will not stop doing everything that crochet can provide us.
Many have been looking for something new to do, to occupy themselves and strengthen the mind and soul, and this is something amazing that crochet can provide and through a job well done with a lot of dedication you can even start a new profession and reach an audience that, like me, is passionate about pieces with these beautiful stitches but that often doesn’t have the time or disposition to carry out this activity.
Learning to crochet is something that everyone should do because there are countless pieces that can be made, each with its own characteristics, with its advantages. I feel in love with crochet every day. When I produce some pieces I feel blessed, because I know that the time dedicated to making them cheers me up, makes me calm, makes me feel dazzled at the end of each piece. These are very positive points and it’s something that crochet can bring to our daily life.
Being able to do things like home decor, toys, clothing, gadgets and accessories with a needle and thread is an amazing thing that everyone could do in their lifetime.
Have you ever thought that crochet can even take people away from sadness and depression in this moment we have been living? I believe that crochet is a craft that can reduce anxiety and remove all bad thoughts and can even give a new meaning to life, there is no age, everyone can do it and here I bring a very simple stitch that can turn into a fever. your day to day.
To ward off the chill or even decorate that armchair you have at home. This mosaic blanket will look amazing. Many luxury homes use blankets in their armchairs, this makes the house feel more cozy and welcoming. But you can even use it to cover that hole or unwanted stain on your sofa or armchair.
On very cold days you can take it off your sofa and put it on your body and keep yourself warm and beautiful with the piece you made yourself. I’m sure you will receive many compliments and will be successful wherever you go. You can even make two or three different colors to walk in style. One for every occasion would be awesome. Don’t forget that elegant and tasteful women always have some crochet pieces in their wardrobe. This is in fashion and I’m sure it will never stop being used.
In addition to using your time in a healthy and fun way, when crocheting and producing beautiful pieces you will feel happy and excited and after the first compliment you receive you will never stop doing it, whether for the house or for personal use. Let’s go looking for threads and needles, because I’ll leave it right here. Head to the page that inspired me to make this piece and then come back and let me know how it went!
Feel inspired by this piece that I also made with such love and would like to share the tutorial with you. It’s following, just click.
If you, like me, really like this type of manual activity like crochet, you can be inspired and maybe have a new possibility to feel exceptional when doing this masterpiece and be able to say that you did it yourself.
You can also go to the original yarnspirations.com website to check out this step by step and a few others.