I’m very excited about this point. As you may have noticed, it’s a very different point, but it’s not difficult to do. All it takes is a little practice and patience and anyone can do it. Because it is a delicate stitch, it can be used in the making of numerous crochet pieces.
When making this stitch you will notice that it is a multiple of twelve plus twelve. That is, it is made of twelve in twelve chains and at the end two more are added. Because it is a very detailed work, it requires a lot of patience and attention in counting the points. But in the end there is a great reward, because any piece made with this stitch will stand out for its beauty and complexity of shapes.
This type of stitch will delight everyone and from a baby blanket to a rug, anything you make with it is sure to be a hit.
Many people around the world have been delighted with the possibilities and versatility of crochet. From great fashion stylists to very young children, a great space has opened up nowadays for this wonderful craft, but that was previously only linked to mothers and grandmothers who used to produce pieces for their own use or for their children.
With modernity also came an incredible possibility to share what is known and improve what already exists and this is what has happened with crochet as well.There are many types of threads and needles that allow a very wide variety of making new stitches. When we think about crochet pieces and research about them, we can see that creation doesn’t stop and that daily many people are thinking and publishing new and fabulous things about crochet.
When we follow tutorials and patterns we can base ourselves on something that has already been done and that can bring us security for the making of our pieces as well. However, one of the wonderful things about crochet is that you can customize the piece, some details like colors and finishes can customize that piece or stitch that many have already made and having a personalized piece is a fantastic possibility that only manual and craft work like crochet can provide us.
With this stitch you can make a beautiful rug for your mother or a good friend, as well as a blanket with calm and soft colors for a baby.Keep an eye out for the free tutorial being explored in the video and you’re sure to have a beautiful crochet piece by learning this easy and fabulous stitch.Follow the link and use your hands to produce something charming!